Health Archives - Improve Your Wellbeing Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:18:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health Archives - 32 32 The Evolution of Non-Surgical Facelifts: From Botox to PDO Threads Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:18:07 +0000 The aesthetic medicine field is one that has witnessed rapid advances in the past few decades. We’ve evolved from invasive .....

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The aesthetic medicine field is one that has witnessed rapid advances in the past few decades. We’ve evolved from invasive surgeries with long recovery times to minimally invasive techniques with little to no downtime. A noteworthy evolution in this journey has been the transition from Botox, a famed wrinkle-smoothing agent, to PDO threads, which offer a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation. In this article, we will delve into this evolution, highlighting the effectiveness and duration of PDO threads.

A Glimpse into the Past: Botox

Before delving into the novel world of PDO threads, it’s essential to understand the foundation – Botox.

  • What is Botox?
  • Botox is a brand name for botulinum toxin type A, a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes muscles. When injected into facial muscles, it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • How Botox Revolutionized Non-Surgical Facelifts
  • Before the widespread use of Botox, surgical facelifts were the only option for those looking to combat the signs of aging. Botox offered a non-invasive solution to wrinkles, requiring no scalpel or stitches.

The Limitations of Botox

Despite its groundbreaking impact, Botox has limitations:

  • Temporary Solution: One of the most significant drawbacks of Botox is its transient nature. Results typically last only 3-6 months.
  • Limited to Wrinkles: Botox is primarily used for dynamic wrinkles and can’t address sagging or loss of volume.

The Emergence of PDO Thread Lifts

While Botox addressed wrinkles, the market needed a solution for sagging skin. This gap paved the way for PDO thread lifts.

  • What are PDO Thread Lifts?
  • PDO (Polydioxanone) thread lifts involve inserting absorbable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas.
  • The Dual Benefit of PDO Facelifts
  • Not only do PDO threads physically lift the skin, but they also promote collagen production, ensuring longer-lasting results and improved skin texture.

How Long Do PDO Threads Last?

One of the keywords in the PDO thread discussion is its duration. Here’s a deep dive:

  • Absorption and Longevity: PDO threads are absorbable, meaning the body will break them down over time. Typically, the threads dissolve within six months. However, the lifting effect can last between 12-18 months, thanks to collagen stimulation.
  • Factors Affecting Longevity: The duration of results can vary based on factors like individual skin type, the area treated, and the type of PDO thread used.

Comparing Botox and PDO Thread Lifts

  • Areas of Treatment: While Botox primarily targets wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, PDO threads can be used for the entire face and neck, addressing sagging in the cheeks, jowls, and eyebrows.
  • Duration of Results: As discussed earlier, Botox results are relatively short-lived compared to the PDO facelift. PDO threads offer a more lasting solution.
  • Procedure and Recovery: Both treatments are minimally invasive with limited downtime. However, PDO thread lifts might come with more discomfort during the procedure and some swelling post-treatment.

Do PDO Threads Last Longer Than Botox?

The question of longevity is often a critical factor in choosing between PDO threads and Botox. In this context, PDO threads do indeed last longer than Botox. While Botox’s effects on smoothing wrinkles generally last between 3-6 months, PDO threads offer a more extended benefit.

PDO threads provide an immediate lift to sagging skin and dissolve within six months. However, the real advantage lies in their ability to stimulate collagen production, leading to a more youthful appearance lasting between 12-18 months. This dual action makes PDO threads a more durable solution.

In the end, if longevity is a primary concern, PDO threads are preferable to Botox. They cater to a broader set of aesthetic needs, including sagging skin, while offering longer-lasting results.

Safety Considerations: Potential Side Effects and Risks of Botox and PDO Threads

While both Botox and PDO threads are considered safe and minimally invasive, it’s essential to be aware of potential risks and side effects.

Botox: Botox injections might cause temporary bruising, swelling, or numbness at the injection site. Rare side effects can include drooping eyelids, uneven eyebrows, or flu-like symptoms. These effects usually subside within a few days. The crucial factor in minimizing risks is to have the procedure done by a certified and experienced medical professional.

PDO Threads: PDO thread lifts come with a set of potential side effects. These can include swelling, bruising, and discomfort at the insertion site. Additionally, there might be temporary dimpling or puckering of the skin. The threads may become visible under the skin or cause an infection.

For both treatments, the key to a successful and safe procedure lies in the hands of a skilled practitioner. Proper consultation, pre-treatment evaluation, and post-treatment care are vital. When considering Botox or PDO threads, it’s crucial to discuss any concerns with your provider, understand potential risks, and ensure they have the necessary experience and credentials.

Can PDO Threads Replace Botox?

PDO threads and Botox are both popular non-surgical facelift treatments, but they serve different purposes, and thus one cannot outright replace the other.

Botox specifically targets dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements, such as crow’s feet and frown lines. Botox smoothens the skin by paralyzing the underlying muscles and provides a more youthful appearance.

PDO threads, on the other hand, offer a more comprehensive solution to facial sagging. Through the insertion of absorbable threads beneath the skin, the PDO thread lifts provide both immediate lifting and longer-term collagen stimulation. The question of “how long do PDO threads last?” typically comes up, and with effects lasting up to 18 months, it surpasses Botox in terms of longevity.

Yet, PDO threads cannot mimic Botox’s specific effects on dynamic wrinkles. The treatments are often complementary, with PDO threads addressing sagging and volume loss and Botox smoothing out specific wrinkle areas.

Therefore, while PDO threads offer exciting possibilities and provide an extended solution for skin lifting, they don’t replace Botox but rather complement it. A combination of both might be the ideal approach for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

The Future of Non-Surgical Facelifts

The trajectory from Botox to PDO threads indicates a market preference for long-lasting, non-surgical solutions. As technology advances, we can anticipate further innovations, potentially combining the benefits of both Botox and PDO threads or introducing entirely new treatments.


The journey from Botox to PDO threads showcases the aesthetic medicine field’s resilience and innovation. As patients seek non-invasive and long-lasting solutions, treatments like PDO facelifts will likely continue to rise in popularity. It’s an exciting era for both practitioners and those looking to turn back the clock without going under the knife.


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Which Side To Lay On For Digestion? Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:12:57 +0000 Do you struggle with digestion problems? Do you feel like you can’t get a good night’s sleep because of your .....

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Do you struggle with digestion problems? Do you feel like you can’t get a good night’s sleep because of your stomach problems? You’re not alone if you answered yes to either of those questions. Millions of people worldwide suffer from digestive issues, which can lead to other health problems if left untreated. This article will discuss what side to lay on for digestion and help you decide which position is best. And if you want a treatment to improve digestion, our medical spa has covered you. Let’s get started! 

Do sleeping positions affect health?

Some research suggests the way we sleep can have a serious impact on our health. People who sleep on their backs are at risk for neck and shoulder pain because those positions put pressure on the spinal cord. Sleeping in an upright position reduces inflammation throughout the body, helps to reduce stress levels, and improves breathing patterns.

So how do you determine which sleeping position is best for you? There isn’t one universally accepted answer, as different people have different preferences and needs. But there are a few tips that may help: 

– First and foremost, make sure the bed or mattress is comfortable. You want to feel supported while sleeping and avoid any beds that give you pain or pressure points. 

– Consider your medical history and current health conditions before deciding your sleeping arrangements. If you have asthma or allergies, avoid beds made from materials such as feathers or down; they can irritate if breathed in while asleep. 

– Lastly, practice meditation (or relaxation exercises) before going to bed each night to relax your mind and body both mentally and physically – this will likely improve sleep quality overall. 

Does sleeping position affect digestion?

Sleep is an essential part of our everyday lives and is vital for physical and mental health. One part of sleep that many people don’t realize is the effect it has on our digestion. Sleeping in the wrong position can affect your gastric motility (the ability to move food through your stomach), leading to problems like heartburn or acid reflux.

Depending on your specific needs, sleep better is several different ways. If you suffer from digestive issues, sleeping on your left side may help alleviate them because this position favors the flow of gastric juices into the small intestine. Alternatively, try sleeping with a pillow under your head so that your neck and cervical spine are in an elevated line instead of a horizontal alignment. Whatever method works best for you will depend on factors such as age, height, weight, etc. But getting enough quality sleep – regardless of how we sleep – is always beneficial!

What sleeping position is best for digestion?

Do you ever feel like your nights are plagued by poor sleeping habits? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to get a good night’s sleep because of stress or anxiety. However, a few simple tweaks can help make bedtime easier and more restful.

Sleeping on your left side is the best way to improve digestion. This position elevates your head and allows for better airflow through the intestines. You will want to lay on the left side for digestion, as it promotes relaxation, reduces congestion in the respiratory system, and improves blood circulation throughout the body. 

If elevated positioning isn’t possible due to health conditions or physical limitations, try some other tips for improving nighttime digestion: 

  • Drink warm fluids before bed (especially watermelon juice). This will help dissolve mucus and reduce inflammation throughout the body. 
  • Make sure to eat digestible carbs late at night rather than right before bed – this will ensure they are broken down properly during sleep. 
  • Practice meditation or another form of self-care before bed – this can help calm nerves and promote deep relaxation.

How can I improve my digestion while sleeping?

Poor digestion can harm your overall health, and it’s tough to deal with while sleeping. Here are some tips to help improve your digestion while you’re asleep: 

– Eat foods that are high in fiber before bed. This will help move food through your digestive system more quickly, which is crucial for good gut health and proper sleep. Fiber also helps keep you feeling full throughout the night, so you don’t have room in your stomach for unhealthy snacks or liquids late at night. 

– Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime. If you eat a meal near bedtime, make sure it’s light and mostly consists of fruits and vegetables instead of heavy proteins or carbs. This way, your body can digest all the food before falling asleep. 

– Get enough exercise every day. Exercise stimulates the release of hormones like serotonin which help ease stress and promote good digestion in adults and children.

– Drink plenty of water before bedtime. Not only does this help flush out waste from day-old foods, but staying hydrated during sleep promotes deep restorative sleep cycles. Remember that dehydration disrupts normal bowel function and can lead to constipation or diarrhea. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses per day – more if you’re prone to these conditions.

Following these simple guidelines can improve your digestion and the quality of nighttime sleep. 

What sleeping position should be avoided?

Various sleeping positions can be used to sleep, and each has its benefits. However, one particularly stressful sleeping position is stomach sleeping.

Stomach sleeping puts pressure on the lower spine and pelvis, leading to pain. This position also causes stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline to increase significantly during the night. This combination can lead to trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as other health problems such as obesity or heart disease. Instead of using stomach sleeping for optimal sleep results, try different, more comfortable positions like side or back sleeping. 

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Why Do Magic Mushrooms Cause Nausea? Tue, 23 Nov 2021 13:35:41 +0000 Among different potential side effects of taking magic mushrooms, nausea and vomiting are pretty widespread. Nonetheless, the appearance of side .....

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Among different potential side effects of taking magic mushrooms, nausea and vomiting are pretty widespread. Nonetheless, the appearance of side effects may scare consumers away from taking mushrooms for recreational or medical purposes, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Get the best quality shrooms and make sure your spiritual experience will take place correctly. Now, let’s discover the reasons for nausea appearance and how to deal with nausea from shrooms.

What causes shrooms nausea?

Naturally, nausea after taking magic mushrooms can occur due to the chemical reactions that negatively influence the gut. These mushrooms incorporate a substance called psilocybin that is inactive and intoxicating psilocin that appears after psilocybin has broken down. It is worth mentioning that raw magic mushrooms also contain a small dose of this active ingredient. So, after the mushrooms have reached the human’s system, the acid and enzymes in the gut will interact with the inactive psilocybin. At the same time, the psilocin will absorb into the organism between 30 minutes after administration.

The first and primary cause of shrooms’ nausea is pure psilocybin that reacts badly to the human gut. Essentially, the kinds of magic mushrooms with a higher concentration of psilocin will be more accessible for consumers to metabolize without a lousy impact on the digestive system. As for shrooms` suppliers, it would be better to mention the exact dosage of both psilocybin and psilocin on the labels – this will help users predict the risk of nausea.

A pretty popular question among consumers is when does shrooms’ nausea go away. Since the nausea is considered the early effect of mushrooms that come after about 30-40 minutes, it might go away when the visible effects of magic mushrooms fade away.

How to cope with nausea when on magic mushrooms?

Whether the possibility of getting nausea or vomiting can frighten you so you can even refuse to take shrooms, then you should know the effective ways to prevent yourself from undesired side effects. One of the most excellent solutions to improve stomach condition is to use lemon juice. 

Naturally, a citrus juice has approximately the same PH level as your stomach acid. Once the cell walls of the mushrooms are exposed to the lemon juice, the process of breaking down the active compounds becomes faster. This way, the reaction between psilocybin and psilocin and the stomach acid will be less visible.

The easiest way to use lemon juice while consuming psilocybin-containing mushrooms is to grind them into a powder (use a coffee machine if needed) and mix the powder with a juice in a glass until it absorbs enough liquid. This method is genuinely compelling to prevent yourself from undesired side effects of your gut. However, there are a few factors you need to take into account. First, the citrus juice will likely make the shrooms kick in faster, while your trip will be more intense but will last for a shorter time. In addition, using lemon juice before the shrooms` trip doesn’t mean you will get rid of nausea thoroughly since the human body tends to react to psilocybin with nausea anyway.


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Risotto with Rosemary, Chicken Livers and Red Wine Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:09:00 +0000 Preparation Time: 20 minutes  Cooking time:  30-40 minutes  Ingredients:  2 L chicken stock (preferably homemade)  250 g chicken livers  30 .....

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Preparation Time: 20 minutes 

Cooking time:  30-40 minutes 


  • 2 L chicken stock (preferably homemade) 
  • 250 g chicken livers 
  • 30 ml of olive oil 
  • 1 onion, chopped 
  • 2 garlic cloves, bruised 
  • 200 g brown mushrooms, chopped 
  • 150 g minced beef 
  • 1 strongly flavored Italian sausage, cut into chunks 
  • 250 ml red wine 
  • 500 g risotto rice 
  • 15 ml fresh rosemary, chopped 
  • 50 g butter 
  • 50 g of fresh Parmesan cheese (grated)

How to cook it: 

1. Heat the chicken stock in a saucepan and keep it warm. Clean the chicken livers and chop them finely. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion until soft and glossy. Add the garlic and mushrooms and stir-fry together for a minute. Add the minced beef, chunks of sausage, and liver and fry until crumbly. Add the red wine and bring it to boiling point. Allow the wine to evaporate completely. 

2. Stir in the risotto rice and rosemary and cook, stirring constantly, over moderate heat. Add the stock, tablespoonful by tablespoonful, ensuring each addition has been well absorbed, only then you can add the next. Season the risotto with salt and freshly ground pepper and continue adding stock until the rice is creamy and cooked. The texture must not be dry when the risotto is done; rather add another spoonful of stock. As soon as the rice is creamy and cooked, stir in the butter and Parmesan cheese and serve the risotto immediately.

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